Monday, February 25, 2008

Well........ We're done Shooting......Now to the Cuts

Here's the deal. I had a friggin blast shooting this film. Everyone on the cast and crew grew on me like moss on a log. In case your confused thats a good thing.

We had so much fun shooting and wasting time talking about the furthest reaches of inappropiate behavior that I truly don't know what to do now. There were times that I truly found myself even offending myself, which is very hard to do, and tonight at the bar we managed to keep that concept alive. In case your confused just think about curtains and it will come to you. Sorry for that.

Just knowing that I won't be able to go to set tommorow and see all of your faces is seriously deppressing me. Whether or not we all got along all of the time it was one helluv an experience in lower than low budget film making and I thank you all for staying along for the ride. I have a special place in my heart for each and everyone of you all and don't think for one second that I don't mean that. If there was some way to blend this down and dirty filmmaking style with bigger budgets I would be the first to jump on aboard. Hopefully I can figure out a way to do that in the future. I really liked the fact that everyone was crammed into the house together and though it was trying at times it really made the family element to this film unique. So again thank you all for that and I will never forget it.

I will keep you all up to date on the progress of the edit through this blog and you will also be seeing many a late might rants about my mental state during the post process as well. It should be interesting.

-your loving director, ryan

1 comment:

The Filmmakers said...

I'll never forget this shoot either. You're end of night, wind-down guitar sessions were a blast to listen to (relaxing and repulsive), be involved in, by way of becoming the butt of an improv song, and to have time to laugh. The whole thing was sofa king fun! I'm glad to know ya, and happy to be in the kitchen cooking up our ingredients with you. Let's hope we've got enough meat...

~ 3BDe