Stay tuned for the possibility of a free SENSORED ringtone in the near future.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Post Production Update
Our composer Alexis Grapsas will be finished with the original score in just a few days and Marcus Zalewski our sound re-recording mixer will begin his work at the end of the month. We would also like to welcome Nick Trivundza to the team. He is coming up with the very creative titles that will be in the opening credits. They will have something to do with the fact that our lead character Wade is a children's book author but that is all I can reveal at this time.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Registration now open for Sensored REDVFX!
If you or someone you know is a VFX master, we are looking for you! Sensored has two green screen scenes which needs your creative touch. Receive credit on a feature film staring Robert Picardo, shot on the RED One, if you are the most creative. Check out for a message from our Director Ryan Todd and all of the details, rules and registration form.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Sensored Music Composer - Alexis Grapsas!
We would like to introduce you to Music Composer, Alexis Grapsas. We are excited to add yet another incredibly talented person to our team. Alexis' career began in Greece where he pursued a degree in Classical Piano and Composition, while working as a professional musician. After extensive studies, he moved to Boston and studied at Berklee College of Music as a recipient of the WST and BAS scholarships where he earned a BA in Film Scoring. In 07', he won the Berklee Film Scoring Contest and the BCSO's Composition Competition.
For you listening pleasure, Alexis' music gallery is located here.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Christopher Michael Holley in Pride and Glory!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Michelle Page on THE MENTALIST (CBS) Tuesday, Oct. 14th!
Michelle Page (Tara in Sensored) will be the lead guest star on The Mentalist, tomorrow night at 9pm PST. This is a great new show staring Simon Baker (Devil Wears Prada). Michelle plays a Malibu surfer girl so you might not recognize her with her short, highlighted new locks. Also Michelle was in the Daily Variety on October 12th which talks about her upcoming role in 'Sensored'. Way to go Michelle!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sarah Knowlton who plays "Gail" in 'Sensored' will be on House tonight before the opening credits. The spot is appropriately called, "The Teaser".
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Test Screening at the Crest Theater

With Ryan Todd and Brian Hamm at the editing helm, we are not surprised. Thank you to Eric Mansur for ordering those cool Moo cards from London and coming up with those great questionnaires. Also, check out the Sensored poster behind us. It was created by the amazing DC Comic book artist, Sam Kieth for Comic Con this past July.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
David Fine on Horror Kung-Fu Theatre
Horror Kung-Fu Theatre is the longest running horror show in Los Angeles. It reaches 2.5 million households. The show is hosted by The Nightshadow and is a mixture of In Living Color/Elvira's Movie Macabre/Cirque du Soleil. They have done over 700 episodes and has been suspended for fights during the show, fights before the show, fire on set, explosion on set, hundred of crickets being release in the studio and just bad comedy skits. David Fine who plays agent Jefferies in Sensored will be on their Halloween episode which features several actors who've killed people in horror films. We are not sure of the air date, but David will be in the studio on September 27th. We'll keep you posted in case you live in the L.A. area and want to check out the show!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
To The Dump...
After almost 6 months, the two constructed sets have now been demolished. It was hard to see them come down after seeing how much work it took to construct. Thank you again to Toby Annis our Set Designer for closing this chapter on Sensored. We will have some time lapse footage of the deconstruction on the dvd.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sensored Trailer Wins Contest!
Our trailer that you can see on the website won "Best Trailer" at the Sacramento Film and Music Festival this past weekend. Thanks Ryan for entering it and representing at this year's festival.
Friday, August 8, 2008
EPK's... Check!
In getting ready for distribution, we must put together an electronic press kit (EPK) which includes behind the scenes interviews and footage. We have an amazing team of people led by Kristina Rodrigues. Before ripping down our two main sets this weekend, we wanted to get the rest of the interviews with Ryan our Director, Brian our DP, Eric and Kevin our Producers, Toby our Production Designer and Brian Rife, one of our lead actors. I think everyone gained another level of respect for all you actors. There is a reason why most of this group is behind the camera. A few shots of courage went down before a few stepped in front of the camera.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sensored partners with
We have another website up and running over at
There are some new behind the scene photos posted for you to check out. The website is all about promoting behind the scenes with videos, pictures, concept art, ect. They are helping us build an audience one click at a time. It is a cool site, click here to check it out.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Special MovieMaker Magazine Offer!
For a limited time, MovieMaker magazine is offering friends of KeJo Productions and Sensored a FREE copy of, The Future of Moviemaking 2008, when you sign up for a one year subscription to MovieMaker at the unheard of price of just $9.95 (more than 75% off the newsstand rate)!
Click here for the special offer!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Robert Picardo at Comic Con
Comic Con kicks off in San Diego on July 24, 2008. Our own Robert Picardo will be on hand at the Lightspeed Fine Art booth signing autographs. For any of you that plan on attending or live in the area, Robert will be signing on Friday from 10:00am-11:30am and Saturday, TBD. Come by the booth and pick up a limited-run postcard illustrated by non other than Sam Kieth. Sam is best known for his revolutionary comic, "The Maxx." We'll be posting the artwork shortly.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New Interview with Michelle Page
Check out this great interview with Real TV Films! Thanks Michelle for the great shout out not only for Sensored but for our next project... Size of Society. You ARE our Avery!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Pick-Ups Day 2
Part of the gang is back! Brian Rife is back in the rack getting tortured and we brought a stand in for Michelle Page to pick up some inserts of her hand pulling Rife's foot down on a spike, ouch!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Last Comic Standing
Congratulations to Michael Meehan and the Meehan Brothers for making it to Vegas and the semi finals of NBC's Last Comic Standing! We know Michael as Officer Turner in Sensored, but now America will know what a funny and talented guy he is. Michael's audition for Sensored was one of our favorites... Do you have any dry-roasted nuts?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
We are getting ready for three days of pick-up shots this next week. Another giant step forward in getting our movie finished. Toby, our Production Designer was back on location today working on putting the sets back together after four months. He'll have to bring out the paint, bring back some key props and do some set dressing, but that should be about it. We'll have a small crew and poor Brian Rife will have to go through some more torture. Not only for the scenes but in real life too. Looks like a chest waxing and jacked-up hair cut is in his future.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Rough Cut Done!
Brian and Ryan have been very busy in the editing room and they have done a great job getting the rough cut done. Not only is it done, it looks really great! The story is shaping up nicely and it is fun to actually see some of the footage. I personally was in the office so much, I missed much of the shoot.
Robert Picardo was back in Sacramento last week to complete the voice over/narrative which will help move the story along and help tighten the edit. We had a great time working with the folks at The Track Shack, especially Peter De Leon. You guys have a first rate facility and we were proud to bring the star of our film to your location.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sensored in MovieMaker Magazine!
Check out this month's issue of MovieMaker magazine with Robert Rodriguez on the front. Great article on the RED One camera including three paragraph's about Sensored, Brian Hamm, Ryan Todd, our short film Paranoid and Silverado Systems. Congratulations!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Ryan and I (Brian) have been chuggin along great with the edit. Between my office, Ryan's office, and an office downtown with air conditioning, we've made some great progress. Right now we have scenes 31 to 128 roughed in. It's gunna be a unique film. The lead, Wade (Robert Picardo) comes across as a weird fellow. Intriguing too.
Our goal is to have a full rough by the forst week of June and have Kevin and Ryan rewrite the VO track ASAP for a ADR and VO session with Bob for June 16th.
Ahhhhhhh... we just can't wait to finish!
Our goal is to have a full rough by the forst week of June and have Kevin and Ryan rewrite the VO track ASAP for a ADR and VO session with Bob for June 16th.
Ahhhhhhh... we just can't wait to finish!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Fangoria Pic...

A horrifically fun time had by all! Thanks to Creation Entertainment and Joe Dante.
Pictured above is Matt Thompson, Robert Picardo, Michelle Page and Eric Mansur.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Premiering our first trailer tomorrow...
to a live audience at Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors Los Angeles where Robert Picardo will be featured in conversation with Joe Dante. It's gonna be exciting!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Listen to Robert Picardo's interview on Fangoria Radio
click on audio clips
Robert's is listed under 4/11
click on audio clips
Robert's is listed under 4/11
Friday, April 18, 2008
Jo Haskin nominated for Emmy!
Jo and Chris King were nominated last week for an Emmy for their work on the Public Service Announcement entitled, "Life". This PSA was for Safe Haven/Project Cuddle programs. These programs allow women in trouble a choice to turn over their babies to a hospital or fire department, no questions asked. Since the PSA started running in Sacramento, two babies have been turned over. Also, congratulations to Brian Hamm for his amazing work on this project as well!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Robert Picardo on FANGORIA RADIO 4/11/08
You can catch Robert on live radio this Friday 4/11 on Sirius Satellite radio (Channel 102) from 7-10 pm PST. Listen in as he will be talking about Sensored!
Monday, April 7, 2008
In Memory Of W. Scott Milbrandt

We are sad to report that our Weapons Wrangler, Scott Milbrandt (In middle) passed away on March 29th in a motorcycle accident. For all those that knew and met Scott knows that he lived his life with passion and was a great story teller. He also was a great craftsman, with an ability to create almost anything with leather. He will be missed by many and I'm personally sorry for not being able to make it to the target range with him before he left us.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Post Production Plans
Our "Sensored" calendar is filling up fast. We have some exciting events coming up where we have opportunities to promote our film. We will be seen at the Quantum booth with Silverado Systems at NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) in Las Vegas April 11-17, 2008. Over 100,000 people attend NAB each year. We will premier the newly cut trailer in Vegas, baby! We also will be joining Robert Picardo at L.A. Fangoria's Weekend of Horror Convention April 25-27, 2008.
Robert is speaking with Director Joe Dante (Gremlins) on Friday and our trailer and a scene from Sensored will be part of the presentation. Robert will be signing autographs the rest of the weekend, while we try to look like we know what we are doing. Maybe we should wear some scary masks or some Star Trek garb to fit in.
Robert is speaking with Director Joe Dante (Gremlins) on Friday and our trailer and a scene from Sensored will be part of the presentation. Robert will be signing autographs the rest of the weekend, while we try to look like we know what we are doing. Maybe we should wear some scary masks or some Star Trek garb to fit in.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
So we had a cool seminar presented by Silverado Studios at San Francisco State University. That was where we share an exclusive trailer projected at the Coppola Theater at the university. Eric Espera lead a great seminar about the RED ONE and our experience with it.
We are in process now of editing the feature. Lots ahead of us.
We'll keep u in touch.
We are in process now of editing the feature. Lots ahead of us.
We'll keep u in touch.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
When you find the path that you are supposed to be on, it seems like the universe comes up and greets you with open arms. I can't tell you how many times we needed something for this project and it showed up like magic. Whether it was a position that needed to be filled, food, equipment or money, when we needed it the most, it appeared. There are so many people to thank. I would write each and every name on this blog, but I don't know how many of them would want their name blasted on the internet. To all the friends, family, neighbors, businesses and even strangers...THANK YOU! Without your generosity and kindness, we would not have been able to complete this film. We are grateful!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Production Doodle...
Monday, March 3, 2008
What's cooking...
I saw a rough-cut of a trailer sneak last night...and it's scary, cool, and frightening; one of those situations where you feel a movie coming together and how cool to be working on it. Yes, what a movie we'll have, what a life... ~ Eric
Thursday, February 28, 2008
W.hy D.evils E.verywhere
I've been chopping. Chopping up people, places and things. Story is forming and there is a film on the horizon. It's not quite clear what it is, but it's something. Oh yes it's something.
Insanity is starting to break through but it's insanity I can handle.
Insanity is starting to break through but it's insanity I can handle.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Where in the hell is everybody?
It was bad enough when Bob left, but this is ridiculous. There's silence; the only remnant of SENSORED breathing through this home is that of one Antonio Grana, A.D. extraordinaire. I swear this morning, around 3:00a.m I heard him yell, "picture up! Roll sound!! in his sleep. Or, I could have been hearing things because I also had a dream that this guy with a shaved head was following me around this grassy-hillside repeating over and over, "everyone settle annnnnd action!" It was eerie.
Lets face it. We all had gripes, on a movie like this, you have to have them or you won't make it. We used one another as sounding boards, familiar ears to vent. I personally think that it won't sink in for a while what it is we really pulled off here. It's a miracle we finished and we owe it all to the crew. From what I gather, most productions like this one, usually have a pretty high turnover; people lose interest, or likely find better paying jobs and have to take them. Thankfully, we had a cohesive team and a loyal group around us.
Ry, you did one HELL of a job. You just shot your first feature! What the "F!" That is crazy. Sorry, lost myself. Dude, here it is. You took a lower than low ultra-low budgeted production, and with nothing except support and a highly-complex script, and might I add natural ability, made something cool with ULTRA HIGH production and outstanding performances. I say to you, what you have inside that head of yours as it pertains to directing, isn't anything that can be taught. I'm excited and a fan of your future.
For Jo and I, a dream has come true... and we owe it to all of you. Thank You!
Lets face it. We all had gripes, on a movie like this, you have to have them or you won't make it. We used one another as sounding boards, familiar ears to vent. I personally think that it won't sink in for a while what it is we really pulled off here. It's a miracle we finished and we owe it all to the crew. From what I gather, most productions like this one, usually have a pretty high turnover; people lose interest, or likely find better paying jobs and have to take them. Thankfully, we had a cohesive team and a loyal group around us.
Ry, you did one HELL of a job. You just shot your first feature! What the "F!" That is crazy. Sorry, lost myself. Dude, here it is. You took a lower than low ultra-low budgeted production, and with nothing except support and a highly-complex script, and might I add natural ability, made something cool with ULTRA HIGH production and outstanding performances. I say to you, what you have inside that head of yours as it pertains to directing, isn't anything that can be taught. I'm excited and a fan of your future.
For Jo and I, a dream has come true... and we owe it to all of you. Thank You!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Well........ We're done Shooting......Now to the Cuts
Here's the deal. I had a friggin blast shooting this film. Everyone on the cast and crew grew on me like moss on a log. In case your confused thats a good thing.
We had so much fun shooting and wasting time talking about the furthest reaches of inappropiate behavior that I truly don't know what to do now. There were times that I truly found myself even offending myself, which is very hard to do, and tonight at the bar we managed to keep that concept alive. In case your confused just think about curtains and it will come to you. Sorry for that.
Just knowing that I won't be able to go to set tommorow and see all of your faces is seriously deppressing me. Whether or not we all got along all of the time it was one helluv an experience in lower than low budget film making and I thank you all for staying along for the ride. I have a special place in my heart for each and everyone of you all and don't think for one second that I don't mean that. If there was some way to blend this down and dirty filmmaking style with bigger budgets I would be the first to jump on aboard. Hopefully I can figure out a way to do that in the future. I really liked the fact that everyone was crammed into the house together and though it was trying at times it really made the family element to this film unique. So again thank you all for that and I will never forget it.
I will keep you all up to date on the progress of the edit through this blog and you will also be seeing many a late might rants about my mental state during the post process as well. It should be interesting.
-your loving director, ryan
We had so much fun shooting and wasting time talking about the furthest reaches of inappropiate behavior that I truly don't know what to do now. There were times that I truly found myself even offending myself, which is very hard to do, and tonight at the bar we managed to keep that concept alive. In case your confused just think about curtains and it will come to you. Sorry for that.
Just knowing that I won't be able to go to set tommorow and see all of your faces is seriously deppressing me. Whether or not we all got along all of the time it was one helluv an experience in lower than low budget film making and I thank you all for staying along for the ride. I have a special place in my heart for each and everyone of you all and don't think for one second that I don't mean that. If there was some way to blend this down and dirty filmmaking style with bigger budgets I would be the first to jump on aboard. Hopefully I can figure out a way to do that in the future. I really liked the fact that everyone was crammed into the house together and though it was trying at times it really made the family element to this film unique. So again thank you all for that and I will never forget it.
I will keep you all up to date on the progress of the edit through this blog and you will also be seeing many a late might rants about my mental state during the post process as well. It should be interesting.
-your loving director, ryan
Sunday, February 24, 2008
One more day
WOW! Only one more day of principle photography. I can't say enough about our crew. From my back goin out, sick crew, long hours and being stuck in a room sometime smaller than cell (feels like) this is the best project I've been a part of. My 1st AC (assistant camera) said this was the best feature he had been a part of. Thanks Ethan.
We have one more day. The fairgrounds scene. All exterior. Praying for no rain or wind. Looking good ... so far.
Today we were all a little "punch drunk" felt like we didn't even get anything actually in the can.. but constant laughs.
The RED camera hasn't let me down yet. I'll defiantly be using it for future projects.
I hope i can get a good night sleep.
It's gunna be weird to not have 16 hour days soon. I'm kinda gunna miss it. Kinda.
See ya on the other end.
We have one more day. The fairgrounds scene. All exterior. Praying for no rain or wind. Looking good ... so far.
Today we were all a little "punch drunk" felt like we didn't even get anything actually in the can.. but constant laughs.
The RED camera hasn't let me down yet. I'll defiantly be using it for future projects.
I hope i can get a good night sleep.
It's gunna be weird to not have 16 hour days soon. I'm kinda gunna miss it. Kinda.
See ya on the other end.
Bye Bye Bob
So we said gooodbye to Bob lastnight. He did his last scene with Rife and had to run out the door to catch his plane back to LA. We already miss him and I can't wait to go down to LA and do the Voice Over Tracks with him.
Your a super duper dude Bob and I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to get to know you on this film.
Your a super duper dude Bob and I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to get to know you on this film.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
"Day Off"
Technically, it is a scheduled day off. All that has meant all month is that the camera is not rolling, but almost everyone is working. Robert Picardo (Bob to us) is scheduled with Eric and Kristina to tape intros to our electronic press kits, the art department is changing a living room into a lodge, Jimmy our sound guy is recording sound around the location so we have sounds of the house, birds, trains, ect. to use in post, Ryan and Antonio will be finishing up the last couple of schedules and shot lists, Kevin is re-writing scenes, Brian will be pre-lighting for our 4am crew call tomorrow and I will be working on getting extras for our last day of the shoot. Whew!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Makin' Movies

So this camera, the Red, has changed our industry. We are shooting in a large house in Placer County, Ca. Bob lives in the basement. He’s so cool. Bob rules. Anyway, we shoot throughout the house or on our stage (the garage). At lunch, we transfer the footage onto a 2TB drive (takes about ½ hour), and we’re instantly editing on a Mac laptop in the closet upstairs. The image looks like a processed 35 neg, and not just a one-light work print, it looks color corrected, even though it’s simply what the Red gives us raw. The monitor trips me out as well. It shows exactly how the Red sees the world, how the raw image is actually going to look. I must say, not used to that. Even on things I’ve shot with Panavision – my last project, I shot on the Millennium XL – the video out to the monitor looks nothing like what my color corrected film is going to look like, but with the Red, even our crew moving around, setting up the shot in front of the camera, looks like a movie. It’s impressive and exciting to say the least.
So, Bob lives downstairs, Ryan shoots everywhere in the house, make-up and wardrobe are in the basement, art department/set construction is in the driveway in the alley, our edit suite is in the closet upstairs, and our production office is down the hall from editorial. I currently reside at an antique school desk from the late 19th century. It’s the perfect laptop desk. We have three shoot days left, and who wouldn’t miss this tight-knit, family style of production? It’s truly a grass roots effort. I can already feel relief coupled with the post-production anxiety sure to accompany the less than 18-hour days next week.
Anyway, the cast and crew have been great. We’ve got a fun movie forming in the closet down the hall. It looks so beautiful, well acted, technically sound, great story, well light and directed, yep, all it’s fingers and toes intact. The dailies draw us all in because the raw images from the Red feels like a movie already. I’m not working. I want to grab the popcorn, sit back and enjoy…soon enough though. We do have post to complete, sound design, marketing, distrib, the whole enchilada, but so far, so fun, what a ride!
~ Eric
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Really, really sick...
I can't believe I couldn't make it to the top of the mountain... Eric, my co-producer comes up with the best analogies. He told me in the beginning of pre-production that making a movie is like climbing Mt. Everest. There will be folks along the way that didn't bring enough water to make it to the top and you have to decide if you want to share your water or keep your water for yourself, so you can make it to the summit. I now know that along the way, I gave away too much of my own water and I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to make it with everyone else. It is like training for months for a marathon and not being able to cross the finish line. The good news is that this amazing team that has come together, is continuing up the mountain. Thank you to Eric, Julie, Antonio and Kevin for keeping everything moving forward. I don't know what I would do without you guys. My body is telling me I have to stop, but I'll be climbing again soon.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Everything Is Something, But Sometimes, Something Is Everything.
I think I'm addicted. This film thing seems to be infecting every fiber of my being. I can't stop the wheels in my brain from analyzing every little detail in this visual storytelling medium and I truly think I'm addicted. I'm a Junkie. Thats the only way to put it. Simple. Just wanted you to know, in case it wasn't obvious.
Friday, February 15, 2008
It has been a very long day...We officially started our day at 3:30pm, but we were working long before that. I have lost track of the hours. It is now 4:00am and Matt Baker is still working...he's an animal. He is pulling still photos out of our raw footage to make crime scene photos for our scenes on Saturday. I still cannot believe the dedication of this amazing team.
Dr. Ross from Wellness 22 came by to try and fix our D.P.'s back and neck. He was so locked up today, he couldn't move his neck. I heard it was from playing with his son, not from lugging the camera all day, but I'm sure it had something to do with it.
We had a few drunk girls show up on the doorstep at about 2:30am fresh from the bars. They were either sneaking a peak or stealing craft service, we are not sure which. If they came back, we planned on putting the day old, prop tuna casserole out just to make sure they didn't return.
Another great day, awesome chemistry with our leads and now our Director is passed out in the actor's trailer. Couldn't ask for anything better.
Dr. Ross from Wellness 22 came by to try and fix our D.P.'s back and neck. He was so locked up today, he couldn't move his neck. I heard it was from playing with his son, not from lugging the camera all day, but I'm sure it had something to do with it.
We had a few drunk girls show up on the doorstep at about 2:30am fresh from the bars. They were either sneaking a peak or stealing craft service, we are not sure which. If they came back, we planned on putting the day old, prop tuna casserole out just to make sure they didn't return.
Another great day, awesome chemistry with our leads and now our Director is passed out in the actor's trailer. Couldn't ask for anything better.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Day 10-- Yikes!
Day 10 was a day to remember: Time and money were against us, and emotions were high for all. To date, this was probably the most difficult day thus far; it's truly amazing what can happen when a production loses a couple of hours. The positive in all of this is, it took 10 days for something like this to happen; if it wasn't for the dedicated and talented crew we have, this surely would have already happened a couple of times before. And even more, the situation brought together a couple of producers with a few crew members who really hadn't had a chance to talk and get to know each other. So, in a way, this problem brought people closer together and opened a line of communication that should carry on throughout. The one thing that really excites me is the passion that everyone is bringing to this production. So many people are giving so much of themselves, and the final product will reflect everyone's hard work and drive. So to everyone involved: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
The Director: My poor friend R-T-Metro, I'm afraid that one of these times he's going to put those two stressful hands atop his newly buzzed dome and POOF! His head is going to explode. For Ryan, emotions like anger and frustration are running at elevated levels along side happiness and excitement, which would be too much for most to handle. In fact, I'm tagging what he's going through right now as "method directing." He's like our character "Darren," but instead of stimulants and depressants, he's being fed opposing emotions. The important thing to focus on is, he's pulling it off. Through observation I've learned that this kid is playing at a very high level, and doing it with very few resources, time, and money. I speak for all of the producers when I say, we're extremely proud of what he's doing, and the dailies reflect his brilliance.
Hamm, Grana, damn! True professionals, never phased, they're f'ing machines! Toby, Sean, Heidi, Kuba, etc., you guys are doing an amazing job, thanks so much for rolling with the punches.
Mansur, you're a true gangster, thanks for being here.
And to the "nuts, bolts and glue" of this entire production, Jo Haskin, producer extraordinaire, I say, without you, we wouldn't be getting ready to start day 11, in fact it is likely we would never have seen day 1.
For many within this production, myself included, we're living a dream right now. Please remember to stop, look around and take it all in, because even things that are perceived as negative at this moment will later become positive memories.
~ Kevin
The Director: My poor friend R-T-Metro, I'm afraid that one of these times he's going to put those two stressful hands atop his newly buzzed dome and POOF! His head is going to explode. For Ryan, emotions like anger and frustration are running at elevated levels along side happiness and excitement, which would be too much for most to handle. In fact, I'm tagging what he's going through right now as "method directing." He's like our character "Darren," but instead of stimulants and depressants, he's being fed opposing emotions. The important thing to focus on is, he's pulling it off. Through observation I've learned that this kid is playing at a very high level, and doing it with very few resources, time, and money. I speak for all of the producers when I say, we're extremely proud of what he's doing, and the dailies reflect his brilliance.
Hamm, Grana, damn! True professionals, never phased, they're f'ing machines! Toby, Sean, Heidi, Kuba, etc., you guys are doing an amazing job, thanks so much for rolling with the punches.
Mansur, you're a true gangster, thanks for being here.
And to the "nuts, bolts and glue" of this entire production, Jo Haskin, producer extraordinaire, I say, without you, we wouldn't be getting ready to start day 11, in fact it is likely we would never have seen day 1.
For many within this production, myself included, we're living a dream right now. Please remember to stop, look around and take it all in, because even things that are perceived as negative at this moment will later become positive memories.
~ Kevin
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
5 shades of a burned out indie film director
morning..... hopeless optimist
1st shot..... panicked realist
lunch......... dreading hearing the AD's voice
Martini....... pissed off little man
wrap.......... depressed little man
shit, who needs a drink?
1st shot..... panicked realist
lunch......... dreading hearing the AD's voice
Martini....... pissed off little man
wrap.......... depressed little man
shit, who needs a drink?
Monday, February 11, 2008
it's lunch on set and I just ate what has been explained to me as "turkey meatloaf." I have to say it has me feeling a bit...................odd. I don't know if I am going to be sick or what, it's not that it tastes bad it just is making me feel...........odd.
On a side note we just filmed Bob in the kitchen doing the whole blended food gag. We didn't really think about it before hand but all of the ingredients we blended together always seemed to smell exactly like a wet dog. No matter what the combination it always seems to still smell the same. Just a side not for all of you thinking about blending some random food together to drink instead of eat.
I now hear Antonio bellowing my name which is usaully the call that lunch is over. We should have made 1 hour lunches the norm on this set, oh well.
-the crumpled up thrown in the recycling bin and made into a paper bag version of RYAN
On a side note we just filmed Bob in the kitchen doing the whole blended food gag. We didn't really think about it before hand but all of the ingredients we blended together always seemed to smell exactly like a wet dog. No matter what the combination it always seems to still smell the same. Just a side not for all of you thinking about blending some random food together to drink instead of eat.
I now hear Antonio bellowing my name which is usaully the call that lunch is over. We should have made 1 hour lunches the norm on this set, oh well.
-the crumpled up thrown in the recycling bin and made into a paper bag version of RYAN
Sunday, February 10, 2008
On The Bright Side and Over The Dark Side
Today was...........well it's over. Chris Holley did an exellent job of playing our loving police officer, Miles Kujoun. He also did a bang up job of roughing up Rife for about six hours. WE sent Rife off tonight to go participate in a theater competition at the Kennedy center in LA and he will be back after the 16th to finish up his days. Break a leg Rifie and get home soon we miss you already!
I managed to offend my producer/writer/friend today with a stupid comment on set that still, no matter how many times he tells me to forget about it, makes me want to punch myself in face. The stress on this film is monumental and it's definitely starting to wear me down. My goal is to push the stress aside and get the job done. The only problem is, thats a statement easier said than done. Nonetheless I will be back on set again tommorow to try and keep my head straight through out the day. Whether I make the 12 without a meltdown remains to be seen. One thing is for sure, the behind the scenes should be quite entertaining.
-whats left of ryan
I managed to offend my producer/writer/friend today with a stupid comment on set that still, no matter how many times he tells me to forget about it, makes me want to punch myself in face. The stress on this film is monumental and it's definitely starting to wear me down. My goal is to push the stress aside and get the job done. The only problem is, thats a statement easier said than done. Nonetheless I will be back on set again tommorow to try and keep my head straight through out the day. Whether I make the 12 without a meltdown remains to be seen. One thing is for sure, the behind the scenes should be quite entertaining.
-whats left of ryan
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Day one Week two (or) how filmaking ruined my life.
The first day back for week two was really..........mellow. We pretty much did a bunch of 2nd unit stuff all day today and for the most part it was really chill plus we wrapped early. That always scares me.
Tomorrow we shoot a scene with Christopher Holley and Rife. I am really excited that Chris is on board with us and I can't wait to see how their scene turns out tommorow. It should be grueling and stressful but fun all the same. After that we get Bob back on set and finish up some scenes with him and Rife.
The crew cracks me up especially Ethan our first AC. He picks up the most random jokes and reference's and has an awesome sense of humor. Jimmy our sound mixer struggled today to try and not make jokes and ended up almost having a seizure which ultimately was his funniest joke all day. Monica and Jackie in wardrobe are doing a phenomal job and there natural ability to pick the perfect tie for Jefferies is amazing. Brandy is an absolute sweetheart and I love the fact the she puts up with my scatter brain ideas for make-up and has the patience to deal with me. Matt and Tom in our edit suite have the patience of saints and are a godsend for getting all of the footage organized. Christina Marie is as always totally focused on her job and pays attention to the most absolute minute detail. Thanks Christina for putting up with me as well. Mr Booth is a grip gangster and along with Kerry the grip/lighting dept has been flawless, thanks gentlemen. Also I have to thank Carolyn for making such great meals every day and the crew can't stop talking about all of the good food.
Well thats all I got for now my brain is starting to shut down if I've forgotten anyone please feel free to yell at me tommorow or the next day.
Tomorrow we shoot a scene with Christopher Holley and Rife. I am really excited that Chris is on board with us and I can't wait to see how their scene turns out tommorow. It should be grueling and stressful but fun all the same. After that we get Bob back on set and finish up some scenes with him and Rife.
The crew cracks me up especially Ethan our first AC. He picks up the most random jokes and reference's and has an awesome sense of humor. Jimmy our sound mixer struggled today to try and not make jokes and ended up almost having a seizure which ultimately was his funniest joke all day. Monica and Jackie in wardrobe are doing a phenomal job and there natural ability to pick the perfect tie for Jefferies is amazing. Brandy is an absolute sweetheart and I love the fact the she puts up with my scatter brain ideas for make-up and has the patience to deal with me. Matt and Tom in our edit suite have the patience of saints and are a godsend for getting all of the footage organized. Christina Marie is as always totally focused on her job and pays attention to the most absolute minute detail. Thanks Christina for putting up with me as well. Mr Booth is a grip gangster and along with Kerry the grip/lighting dept has been flawless, thanks gentlemen. Also I have to thank Carolyn for making such great meals every day and the crew can't stop talking about all of the good food.
Well thats all I got for now my brain is starting to shut down if I've forgotten anyone please feel free to yell at me tommorow or the next day.
Friday, February 8, 2008
ready for week 2
It was tough, hard and stressful but the first week is done and the second week is about to begin. Th film has been a great experience thus far and working with the actors and crew has been an absolute joy. I think one of the hardest things on set is to stay on track since everyone gets along so well we always have a tendency to talk and joke around a lot. Thankfully we have Antonio, our AD, to keep us in line and stay on target.
Robert Picardo is awesome to work with and is really bringing to life his character Wade. He is as genuine as they come and I can't truly thank him enough for working on this film with us. Just being able to talk with him and hear all of his stories on and off set have made this film worth it. Michelle Page finished up all but one of her scenes for the film this last week and she got her ass kicked as well as kicked ass in all of them. Thanks Michelle and if your reading this your already Avery in my book, hopefully we'll be making that story come to life soon as well. As always Brian Rife is doing a phenomenal job and is taking all of the brutality his role entails like a champ. He is on one of the most positive and caring actors I've had the pleasure to work with and as always reliable, professional and prepared. We got one day in with David Fine and he went into his role headfirst with the utmost clarity about where he wanted to take his character. He has been a complete asset to the pre-production of this film and I am honored to have him come aboard and play Jefferies.
Jo, Kevin, Torrey and Eric really got this whole thing up and running and I am in their debt for giving me the opportunity to Direct this film. Thanks you guys for the respect and confidence. Brian Hamm as always is my right hand on this film and I owe the majority of my experience with shooting film and learning this craft to him. As always my partner in crime Toby really took the reins to get everything in order for the production design of the film. With his crew; Shaun, Cuba, Rachel and Heidi the sets and props have been fabulous and really give the film the look it deserves. They have been slaving day and night to get everything in line and they are the backbone of this film. Thanks to everyone on the crew and I can't wait to get on set tomorrow to get into week two.
Robert Picardo is awesome to work with and is really bringing to life his character Wade. He is as genuine as they come and I can't truly thank him enough for working on this film with us. Just being able to talk with him and hear all of his stories on and off set have made this film worth it. Michelle Page finished up all but one of her scenes for the film this last week and she got her ass kicked as well as kicked ass in all of them. Thanks Michelle and if your reading this your already Avery in my book, hopefully we'll be making that story come to life soon as well. As always Brian Rife is doing a phenomenal job and is taking all of the brutality his role entails like a champ. He is on one of the most positive and caring actors I've had the pleasure to work with and as always reliable, professional and prepared. We got one day in with David Fine and he went into his role headfirst with the utmost clarity about where he wanted to take his character. He has been a complete asset to the pre-production of this film and I am honored to have him come aboard and play Jefferies.
Jo, Kevin, Torrey and Eric really got this whole thing up and running and I am in their debt for giving me the opportunity to Direct this film. Thanks you guys for the respect and confidence. Brian Hamm as always is my right hand on this film and I owe the majority of my experience with shooting film and learning this craft to him. As always my partner in crime Toby really took the reins to get everything in order for the production design of the film. With his crew; Shaun, Cuba, Rachel and Heidi the sets and props have been fabulous and really give the film the look it deserves. They have been slaving day and night to get everything in line and they are the backbone of this film. Thanks to everyone on the crew and I can't wait to get on set tomorrow to get into week two.
1st week down!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Bedtime stories...
Started off the day with our Character Wade's nightmare and ended the day with the sex scene. I think it's time to change the sheets.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Call sheets.........check!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Starring...Robert Picardo!

Here is Robert Picardo and our Director discussing and rehearsing a scene for tomorrow. We did a make-up/camera test with our artists, sound checks, lighting checks and schedule checks. Call time is 6:30am on our first day of production. I can't believe we are less than 12 hours away. We'll see when this gets updated again...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Ready, set, rig...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
2 Days...
I missed a couple of days because I am buried under a mound of paper. I think we all feel a little buried right now, but everyone is pulling together and making it happen. Our production meeting went well, with lots of laughter. I hope to hear more over the next month.
So I (Brian, DP) was able to start pre-lighting the basement tonight. Toby (Production Designer) and his team have done a great job constructing in such a short time. I wanna give a special shout out to my gaffer Mike Booth for stepping in and my mentor and an amazing gaffer Dave Bunge from "GRIP SERVICES" for all the creative input and consulting on lighting plans for for these sets.
We are so close to the first shot. SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
Pray for no rain and wind.
ok back to lighting diagrams..
We are so close to the first shot. SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
Pray for no rain and wind.
ok back to lighting diagrams..
Sunday, January 27, 2008
6 Days...
Checked out Funderland today which will be the opening and closing scenes of the movie. We will need extras for that day, so if anyone out there is interested, contact us through and we'll get back to you. You will need wardrobe that is late 60's - early 70's. Think Brady Bunch but in the winter! The production office was busy with finding doubles and stand-in's thanks to Julianne our Production Coordinator. We have locked the schedule for the first week and Heidi is busy gathering the 165 props that are being used in the film.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
7 Days and Counting
What to say? The 1 week count down is on. I can't believe it! There is still a lot to do, but everything is starting to fall into place. We locked another location yesterday, the 01 loft building downtown for our character Victoria's office. Thanks to Eric and Brad. Now, we just need to get our film permit from the City of Sacramento. Good thing we don't shoot those scenes for a few weeks...
We have booked the travel for our actors coming from L.A. which really solidified that our characters will be coming to life shortly. We are so thrilled with every, single actor, we could not have asked for a better cast. We'll announce them to the world shortly. All you Star Trekkies will be very excited, as we are.
We have booked the travel for our actors coming from L.A. which really solidified that our characters will be coming to life shortly. We are so thrilled with every, single actor, we could not have asked for a better cast. We'll announce them to the world shortly. All you Star Trekkies will be very excited, as we are.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Schedule Locked and Loaded
Welcome Antonio, our 1st AD! We spend the last two days going through every scene and putting each one into a schedule that makes some sense. We feel really good that we can accomplish what we need to in the 21 days scheduled. We are even able to have a pick-up day. We start in 11 days. I wish there was more time in the day, as I'm sure everyone in each department feels the same.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Make-Up and Guns

We just had two more talented people join our crew. Margaret will be doing make-up and FX and Scott is our gun wrangler. We had a bit of a show and tell with guns and knives yesterday which was really cool. We picked out guns for our two police officers, our lead Wade and Jefferies. We get to go bang!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Art Department
Pre-building of our sets has begun! Our Production Designer and Set Dresser visited our main location (Wade's house) to measure, discuss the color palette, and designated staging areas. Next stop Home Depot and Kelly Moore Paint to begin creating the basement scene. They also will be changing the color on the walls in "Wade's kitchen" and "Wade's bedroom", and taking down 80's wallpaper to give it a fresher look. We are looking forward to seeing the transformation.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Rigging Test
We met with our experienced stunt guys, Gary Davis, Rick Edwards and Craig Mason to create the Marcus hanging stunt with our actor Matt Thompson. Matt was a trouper as he tried on multiple harnesses that are extremely tight on certain body parts, but we were able to achieve the look we were going for.
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